Overview of HSG
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a method of determining the shape and size of the uterine cavity and how open the fallopian tubes are. HSG involves an X-Ray and non/low iodine-based dye, which is injected into the uterine cavity via the vagina and cervix. This procedure does not involve anesthesia (except maybe locally), so you will be conscious during the procedure and aware of what’s going on.
Important Considerations Before the Procedure
You should be mindful of a few things before you go in for an HSG. First, keep in mind that we conduct the HSG after you go through a complete menstrual cycle. This is done to ensure there is no unknown pregnancy from the previous cycle that we might unintentionally disrupt.
You should report the following issues to the physician BEFORE the HSG procedure:
In order to maximize protection from infection, you may be given prophylactic antibiotics before the Hysterosalpingogram. It’s your duty to follow the prescription given.
The Procedure
The HSG starts much like a pelvic exam. As you take a similar position, the physician will insert a speculum into the vagina. This is done to see the cervix, which is cleansed with betadine and might be anesthetized to ensure minimal discomfort. The vagina is also cleansed in the same manner.
After the cervix has been inspected, you will lie flat for the X-Ray. The physician then inserts a tube into the cervical opening for injecting a dye into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The X-ray machine does its work as the dye runs through your uterus and fallopian tubes. To obtain better images, you may have to switch different positions.
You can leave soon after HSG is completed. Don’t be worried if you feel minor cramping, this is normal for an hour or so after the procedure.
You will be scheduled for a follow-up immediately following the HSG at our clinic to go over the findings and the next steps to take.
Possible Complications
There is a possibility of a few complications resulting from the HSG. Mild cramping usually occurs when the dye flows inside your body. Even when the cramping is severe, it typically subsides within an hour following the procedure. Allergic reaction to the dye is rare. While slight vaginal bleeding is common for a couple of days after the procedure, you should report heavy bleeding or abdominal pain to your physician as soon as possible.
You can approach the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for a Hysterosalpingogram with full confidence.
Call Us Today
We will be glad to discuss your situation and fertility options at length and help you discover the most suitable solution for getting pregnant. Set up an appointment today by calling 520-326-0001.