Your First Visit
Your First Visit

When you first visit the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility we may conduct a variety of tests, the underlying goals of which are:
- Assessing ovarian function
- Tubal and uterine anatomy
- Evaluating the sperm’s ability to reach the fallopian tubes
- Determining male factor
The Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility uses the latest diagnostic and treatment technology and its expansive experience to administer the tests and set the foundation of your infertility treatment.
The tests detailed below are designed to determine the main reasons for infertility.
2nd or 3rd Follicle-stimulating and Estradiol Hormone Levels
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Estradiol are hormones that affect reproduction. We assess the levels of these hormones on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual flow. High FSH or Estradiol levels are indicative of reduced ovarian reserve. The test’s objective is to assess ovarian reserve, which helps us determine if it is feasible to use the patient’s own eggs for the treatment.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) & Sonohysterogram
HSG is the least invasive method to determine how open the fallopian tubes are and assessing the interior of uterine cavity. An alternative is sonohysterogram. This is an ultrasound done with a saline positioned in the uterus via a catheter. This is also less invasive than most other methods. These tests are done to discover any uterine abnormalities.
An ultrasound is done to determine whether the follicle (which is holding the egg) is properly developed and when it is released. These factors help us better understand the fertility issues, and the ultrasound provides a safe and painless way of evaluating these factors. The ultrasound also helps us schedule other tests appropriately.
Post-Coital Test
The post-coital test is done to find out whether the sperm can go through the cervical mucus. For the test, you are told to have intercourse with your partner and then visit the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility the morning after. We then microscopically examine the cervical mucus to assess the level of sperm’s penetration, which is a very important fertility factor. The test is done after the ovulation’s timing has been established.
Mid-luteal Progesterone
Some women don’t produce an appropriate level of progesterone after ovulating. This is known as luteal phase deficiency and it cannot be determined by clinical ovulation tests. To this end, we conduct a mid-luteal progesterone test to determine the progesterone level. This test is done around 8 days after an LH surge.
Semen Analysis
Considering the fact that more than 40% of infertility issues are related to the quality of sperm, a semen analysis should be performed early on in the evaluation process, to determine if there is male-factor infertility. The test involves examining sperm concentration, volume and appearance.
Personalized Testing
For best results, we adapt the testing to suit your specific situation. We complete our streamlined testing process in one menstrual cycle, after which we are in the perfect situation to discuss the most effective treatment options.
When you visit the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for the first time, you may arrive with some questions, concerns, doubts, or even fears. We understand that you are looking for a fertility specialist that you can trust and a supportive, caring, and understanding staff that can help you through the process of assisted conception and bring you the greatest likelihood of success. Our entire team is here to provide the expertise that you need and a solution that will maximize your chance of having a healthy baby as soon as possible.
At the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, it’s our priority to make sure you’re well informed about your options and the procedures. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of FAQs and are always available to answer any more questions you may have.
Call Us Today
We will be glad to discuss your situation and fertility options at length and help you discover the most suitable solution for getting pregnant. Set up an appointment today by calling 520-326-0001.
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