
5 Biggest Myths and Misconceptions About Fertility Clinics

Often, when couples walk into a fertility clinic, they come in with several misconceptions. Part of our job at the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility is to debunk the myths with the facts. Aside from helping couples get pregnant, we want to give them confidence and a better understanding of what they’re walking into.

These are the five biggest infertility misconceptions out there, and the truth behind each one:

1. Infertility treatments are incredibly expensive.

The biggest misconception regarding fertility treatments and assisted reproduction techniques is that it’s horribly expensive. At the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, we keep the process affordable, because it’s important to us to help all couples get pregnant, regardless of their income. As these procedures have become more mainstream, the cost is becoming more reasonable. When couples visit us and find out how much procedures like IVF or egg freezing actually are, they are always surprised that the price is much more affordable than they expected—costing just around $6,000.

2. Actually getting pregnant isn’t likely to happen.

Another myth is that treatments are not all that successful. Many times we meet with couples who think they’ll never have a baby, even with visiting a fertility clinic. But with today’s technology and techniques, including embryo testing, it’s increasingly rare that a couple can’t have a baby together. The biggest stumbling block to them is not undergoing an evaluation and the subsequent infertility treatments. When patients come in and are fully evaluated and treated, just about 99 percent of those people are successful in having a baby.

However, it’s not guaranteed that the couple will get pregnant immediately. There’s a certain chance of pregnancy with each month we try. It’s very difficult for a woman to come off birth control and gets pregnant right away. The probability of pregnancy is related to many different variables—ovulation, timing of intercourse, fertilization rates, etc. So while it might not happen in the first month, within 3-6 months, the vast majority of our couples get pregnant.

3. Infertility treatments won’t be covered by insurance

Many patients come in thinking infertility treatments won’t be covered by insurance. They’re surprised to learn that even if they don’t have specific fertility coverage, a several of the underlying conditions and causes of infertility are medical conditions, and the tests and treatments associated with those actually are covered by insurance. Some, if not all, procedures and evaluations are covered by some type of insurance for at least 90 percent of our couples.

4. Everyone needs a high-tech treatment to get pregnant.

Along with believing that all infertility treatments are extremely expensive, many couples also believe that “high-tech” options like in vitro fertilization are the only options available to them. The truth is, about 90 percent of our patients get pregnant without the need for IVF. We spend a lot of time assessing and correcting the underlying issue that is preventing them from getting pregnant, so couples don’t need any other treatments. If a couple does need in vitro or another procedure, the option is always available, but it’s not necessarily the first method we recommend.

5. Infertility is a punishment or a burden to bear.

Whether it’s because of moral, religious beliefs, or otherwise, we often meet with couples who think their infertility is a curse or punishment. Many times, when people come in with the guilt and preconceived notions associated with that belief, they’re adding an incredible amount of stress to their relationship. We always try to explain that infertility is just like any other medical condition, and should be evaluated and treated as such. There’s an underlying issue that’s prohibiting pregnancy from occurring, and it’s usually a very simple medical problem that we can correct, fix, or bypass, to ultimately help you have a baby.

We welcome the opportunity to walk with you on your journey to pregnancy and answer any questions you have. To learn more about the options available to you, visit us online or call us at 520-326-0001 to set up an appointment.

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