At Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, women from all walks of life come into our office to have their eggs frozen. More often than not, the common theme between all of them is the realization that they wish they would have done it sooner.
Many come in asking themselves: Why have I waited so long? Do I definitely want kids? Is it too late? What have I done?
There comes a time in most women’s lives when they’re faced with making the choice of whether or not to have a child. Many put off the decision until they’re faced with immediate pressure (marriage, hitting a certain age, a surprise or accidental pregnancy, etc.), but it’s something that should really be addressed or thoughtfully considered as early as possible.
Even if you’re unsure if you want to have kids one day, freezing your eggs now can give you more time to consider your options and save you heartache in the future. Here’s why.
Investing in Your Future
If you know it’s going to be a while before you have children, but think you might want children in the future, the earlier you can freeze your eggs, the better. While there is no age limit to when you can freeze your eggs, it’s recommended to do so at as young an age as possible. The younger you are when you undergo the procedure, the healthier and more viable your eggs will be, reducing the chances of complications if and when you do decide to have a baby.
Egg freezing gives you the ability to preserve the possibility of having children as you get older, wait to get married or start a family. Freezing your eggs now is investing in your future. You’re saying, “I’m not sure how my life or family will look like in X number of years, but I want to keep my options open.”
You never know what life is going to deal you.
You may come down with an illness or disease that prevents you from having children later in life. For instance, women who are diagnosed with cancer and plan to undergo chemotherapy will elect to freeze their eggs beforehand, since it allows them to preserve their eggs before the cancer treatment can damage them. Even if you are healthy, saving your eggs now means that if something should happen, you can still become a parent.
Of course, egg freezing also allows you to focus on your passions and get ahead in your career, without your biological clock ticking away. Being able to wholeheartedly pursue your dreams and goals will more than likely lead to a better future for you and your potential family.
Freezing your eggs ensures that you have the option to get pregnant whenever you choose to do so. It’s a tremendous advantage that decreases your risk of having to deal with infertility issues once you decide to start your family.
Nothing is Ever Guaranteed
Freezing your eggs doesn’t guarantee that you will definitely get pregnant and have a baby in the future. It does, however, raise the likelihood that you are able to achieve a pregnancy later in life.
Every woman’s chances of pregnancy are different. There are many factors that need to occur in order for a pregnancy to happen using frozen eggs: the eggs have to be healthy and viable at the time of freezing, they have to survive thawing, and they have to successfully fertilize and implant. AZCREI is among the top 10 fertility clinics in the country, with a 30 percent pregnancy rate for a single live birth.
Just because you decide to freeze your eggs, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to use those eggs to achieve pregnancy. You may still be able to have a baby naturally, even when you’re older. If you do experience complications or difficulty, your frozen eggs are saved so you can elect to do an in vitro fertilization or other fertility procedure to get pregnant.
If you have questions regarding egg freezing or would like to schedule an appointment for the procedure, contact the Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility today by calling (520) 326-0001 or visit us online.